Sen12rs (that doesn’t really work)
If you were wondering, and even if you weren’t senior year has been great. If you asked me 10 years ago what I wanted my senior year to look like, I would have described something fairly similar to what has happened thus far. Well first, my classes are easy. Second, for the most part, my friends are awesome. I think it hit all of us that the drama isn’t worth it and we have all been having a blast. I also was on homecoming court, which was such an honor at such a large high school like Fairfield.
Maybe you caught the part where I wrote, ‘if you were to ask me 10 years ago what I wanted my senior year to look like…’ Maybe you also noticed I didn’t write, ‘I can’t imagine anything going any better, perfect is the only way to explain it…’ That is because I could imagine a lot going better…but you know what? That’s all right...Because I have a God who is way bigger than all of choices I have made, and all of the choices I will make. I can’t think of better news than that really.
I really don’t have a lot to write here. Except that I have made a lot of mistakes this year so far, and I will continue to make mistakes, everyday, for the rest of my life. And so will you. But we serve a living God. And that is some seriously glorious news. So NO MATTER what you’re going through, persevere…he is sovereign and always at work. I really just wrote that whole blog entry to myself, because lately, I forget that every single day. But once again, I am covered, praise Jesus for that. Seriously, praise Jesus.
You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:6-8