Monday, August 22, 2011

The First of a lot of Lasts

I am sitting in my best friend Emma’s room right now.

 “Jordan, listen to what Justin (talking about the 17 year old pop star that she has never met) just tweeted…”

 JustinBieber: I have the best fans in the world, I love my #beliebers

“Jordan, he loves us…”

Somebody please come shank me.

We have both spent the entire day finishing up the work we have been putting off for the entire summer. Laundry, essays, reading, and last minute blog entries… We (the class of 2012) begin the last year of our high school careers in T-Minus 20 hours. That is something I never thought I was going to be able to say.

Most of what we have to look forward to does nothing but terrify me. Like anything with the word college hooked to it. The question, “where are you going next year?” or “what is your major?” or the infamous “where do you see yourself in 5-7 years?”. Was it not just three years ago that I was wearing unfortunate bows in my hair and thought that me being a cheerleader and my fourteen year old boyfriend being a football player was as good as it got?

Also, something else that makes me nervous is the statement, ‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.’ I think it makes me nervous because I have done just that. I fell in love with a college and haven’t exactly given any others a chance. But what the heck isn’t to love about this place…

Aside from the nerves of all of the ‘lasts’ that are being thrown at us in a mere 180 days, I am exited. Senior year brings some of the most memorable times in your life. And when you have as sick of a ministry as I do (praise Jesus for Fairfield Young Life) you can be sure that it will be a great one.

So this is the first post of a lot of posts. Because really the whole point for this blog was the whole ‘senior year’ thing. I just got a tad ahead of myself.

My main goal for my senior year is to not forget this. Because so often I do. “God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. " With all of the craziness of the last year of high school, I am sure it isn't going to be hard for that to slip my mind. So this is my cyber promise to get in the word more than ever before and have real relationships with people that have the same goal as me.

Btw, You're incredibly beautiful. Remember that today.


  1. Hi Jordo- You are the coolest chica ever! Have a great first day of senior year and then a great year!love,maggie

  2. I just saw that picture of Upham and my heart dropped to my stomach. I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL YOU COME HERE!!!!!
