Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Hi my name is Copier.

Friends, family, ministry, school...what else is there, you ask? A lot. The little things are what matter after all. Here are some things that could easily make my day. I would love to know yours too. I have this theory...if we all had a partner, and we knew the little, stupid, insignificant things that the other person enjoyed, we could all live in this world a little easier. This theory is everything but foolproof, maybe even foolish. But it is something that has popped into my mind, more than a few times.

1. When I ring out a customer, and the total comes to an even dollar amount.
2. When I look at the clock at 4:59, that's the time I came into this world.
3. Good morning texts
4. Pugs (R.I.P Luther Ray Barnes)
5. Evidence of how alive the Gospel is. (When what I flip to in the bible is exactly what I needed to hear at that time)
6. When I tweet something ridiculous and I am obviously having a pity party, and Megan Birk texts me and actually cares
7. When I get cards in the mail...I actually just love cards
8. The first day of school
9. Interior Design, to bad I suck
10. Crafts in general, but especially when I am doing them with my Grandma Betty
11. http://www.stumbleupon.com/
12. When I am the first car to be stopped at a rail road track, that is my God sign
13. Crying...this may seem wierd to anyone, especially those of you who know that I rarely cry, but when I do, it's refreshing. It reminds me that my feelings are real, and alive, and I am human.
14. When anyone asks my for advice, I feel needed, we all crave to feel needed, right?
15. When people tell me I look like my dad
16. My dad
17. When you step into sand, and crunch up your toes
18. This song...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFtaSNiGWuc, when I am sad
19. This song...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC9rJZKUAPg, when I am happy
20. Burnt CD's
21. Pulling in somewhere and seeing Carla the Kia, she is great
22. Blogging and everything about it

That is an obnoxious list of things you probably could have lived without reading. But it all goes back to my theory.

Have a beautiful day.

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